Thursday, March 12, 2009

First Post!

Welcome to my newly created blogspot. Pinoy on the Block! Just started doing this whole blogging thing and I have no idea on what to post or write about. I've had an account before and it was a big failure. I think I wrote about getting to know women or something. Haha, I'm laughing at myself right now thinking about what an idiotic idea that was. I had absolutely no idea why I did that.

To start things fresh, let me vent out what just happened during my lunch time. Check this - I see a friend or an acquaintance rather, getting some food for lunch. Thought I'd say hi and have a small talk of some sort. BAD IDEA! Have you ever approached someone and it seemed like they didn't want you around?! If you've had this similar experience, you know how 'dry' and awkward it feels to get brushed off. So after 10 seconds, I'm thinking already 'nah I'm not havin' none of this today', so I left before they could say anything else and got my food and bounced. I call this a mofo-moment.

Anyway, gotta get back to work.

Pinoy-mofo aka P.M.

1 comment:

  1. You started posting! I love how you already have like four posts. It's so addicting. I really just write about whatever.

    Funny story! I haven't heard anyone else use "dry" in a long time! I sometimes say it and all my American friends are like "what?" Good times!
